The 12 universal dreams
Sunday, December 07, 2003
By Virginia Linn,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Anthropologists, psychologists and dream workers have found similar themes in dreams. These so-called
universal dreams transcend all generations and cultures. While not all experts agree on the same list and frequency, here's
a compilation from the book, "The Universal Dream Key: The 12 most common dream themes around the world" (HarperCollins,
2001), by Patricia Garfield, based on her international survey, worldwide travel and research.
While people have many more negative dreams than positive ones, each theme has negative and positive
1) Being chased or attacked
More than 80 percent of people dream they're being pursued or attacked, although who or what is attacking
or doing the pursing varies from place to place. These dreams are a natural response to life stress, Garfield says.
The origin of this dream dates back to an era when humans fought off beasts or other tribal members
to survive. The "monsters" of today more often are emotional beasts, she says -- fear, anxiety, anger, hatred and envy.
Flip side: Being embraced or loved.
These dreams also have early biological roots. They're driven by our genes to mate and produce children
and include the sex dreams. Both men and women, it's been documented in research, experience sexual arousal during REM sleep.
These dreams can supply the desired missing elements in an unsatisfying marriage, or heighten during an intense love affair.
2) Being injured, ill or dying
One myth about dreaming is that if you die in your dream, you die in life.
That's not true, of course, but dream deaths do occur. They involve deaths of famous people, your parents
or children, a lover and even yourself. Garfield believes that when you dream about an accidental death of any person, that
person's death symbolizes something in you that is no longer functioning.
One of the more common scenarios under this theme is of teeth falling out or crumbling.
This might have a physical origin in people gritting or grinding teeth during sleep. Freud suggested
that dreams of teeth falling out are related to fears of castration, but women have this dream as often as men, Garfield says.
She believes the tooth troubles in dreams are related to anger, with a dreamer acting out the clenching of his teeth. Other
psychologists believe the dream reflects anxiety about appearance and how others perceive you.
Flip side: Being healed, born or reborn
Rare, but good, this dream often accompanies a new start, a new job or first day of school. Sometimes
dreaming of rebirth represents your hopes for a loved one who has died.
3) Car or other vehicle trouble
Fairly common nightmare among all people and ages, whether or not the dreamers actually drive. Sometimes
they have problems with an aircraft they're flying. May occur when the dreamer feels events in waking life are out
of control.
Flip side: Vehicular pleasure
When your time in a car or another vehicle is delightful. This can represent freedom, or moving in
the direction of your choice.
4) House or property loss or damage
In these dreams, your house is damaged or destroyed by fire, water or other causes. These dreams may
surface because you feel that some valuable aspect of waking life is at risk, she says.
Dreams about losing a wallet, watch or cherished piece of jewelry, such as a wedding ring, also fall
into this category. Meanings vary depending on what is lost or damaged. Biologically, they may reflect a basic need to defend
your territory.
Flip side: House or property improvement
You may discover new rooms in your home or dream about repairs or improvements. These dreams may occur
when you feel that some valuable aspect of waking life is improving.
5) Poor test or other poor performance
You've probably dreamed of arriving for a test and found the exam has already started. Or you search
fruitlessly for the room. This is a common nightmare and can occur years after you've faced the SAT. Garfield says it usually
occurs when you feel you are somehow being "tested" in waking life. People continually face situations that challenge their
capacity to perform well. This stems from the innate feeling that we need to achieve or compete. Some psychologists think
the dreams can denote anxiety about sexual performance.
Flip side: Great test or other fine performance
This may occur when the dreamer feels that she is doing well in waking life. Not limited to exams,
the dreamer may envision doing precise spins on the ice or catching a touchdown pass. Sometimes people master certain activities
after they've successfully performed them in their dream.
6) Falling or drowning
Falling is one of the most common nightmares among people of all ages, and may be a reflection of feeling
insecure, helpless or of having no support or solid grounding. Some people may actually fall from their beds during this dream.
Dreaming about drowning is less frequent, and often occurs when a person feels overwhelmed.
Both scenarios involve life-or-death situations and can be traced to prehistoric origins. Garfield
says that dreams of falling reflect a time when our ancestors took risks when climbing trees. Falling dreams of modern day
often take place from high buildings, elevators and rooftops.
Likewise, dreams of drowning go to our inborn need to breathe for survival.
People often awake to "escape'' the danger in the dreams.
A person's age and medical circumstances can influence these dreams. Toddlers and young children, as
well as older people, are prone to more falls in waking life. People with heart conditions that cause fluid buildup in the
lungs or those with severe colds may dream of drowning.
Flip side: Flying, swimming or dancing joyfully
Have you had that feeling of zooming through the air, feeling free, unhindered?
Flying often becomes a person's favorite dream. These can inspire the dreamer, lifting him to spiritual
heights or filling him with creative notions. Pleasurable swimming may mean freely exploring your depths; dreams of dance
may be a metaphor for moving freely through your life.
7) Being naked in public or inappropriately dressed
This is a common scenario that occurs at all ages, including with children. The dreams involve feelings
of exposure and vulnerability, and often include an element of embarrassment or shame.
Appearing partially nude is more common than being totally naked, Garfield says. Meanings vary depending
on whether this occurs at school, at work, or on an open street, and depending on what part of the body is exposed.
Wearing the wrong clothing also has various meanings. A bride being inappropriately dressed for her
upcoming wedding, for example, could suggest second thoughts she has about the union.
Flip side: Being well dressed
Dreaming of being dapper or wearing a special outfit may suggest you feel good about your body or attractive,
or feel good about your life.
8) Missing the boat or other transport
You rush to catch a departing bus, train, airplane or ship, only to have it leave without you. These
leave you engulfed in an overwhelming feeling of frustration rather than fear. Garfield suggests that these dreams reflect
feelings that you are missing out on something in waking life.
Flip side: Pleasant travel
Very infrequent dreams, but may arise when you feel content about how your life is going.
9) Machine or telephone malfunction
Moderately common, and more frequent in women. These occur when you feel anxious about making an emotional
connection or when you feel you're losing touch with someone. They can relate to mechanical difficulties with your body.
Flip side: Smooth operation
These usually occur when you feel there is an improvement in emotional connection. Garfield says many
of the dreamers who participated in her study during bereavement reported dreams of clear connections with their deceased
loved ones. Messages they received during the dreams helped them cope with their losses.
10) Natural or man-made disasters
You're confronted with overwhelming floods, tidal waves earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes,
hurricanes, bombings or chemical warfare. These dreams may depict personal problems raging out of control.
They can be among the most frightening dreams. People through the ages have sought to harness nature,
which can help them survive but also destroy them.
Flip side: Natural beauty, miracles or rituals
Dreams of vibrant flowers, verdant hillsides or uplifting music can leave the dreamer rejuvenated.
Color is intensified, with bright yellow-green most often mentioned by dreamers. This may illustrate new growth.
Dreams of natural beauty can inspire and invigorate.
11) Being lost or trapped
In these highly common dreams, you're lost and feeling desperate. You may be buried alive or locked
in a cage. Or you dream of not being able to move; you're powerless to scream or breathe.
These dreams may occur when you feel confusion or conflict about how to act in waking life.
The images are influenced by biological roots and experience. Feeling trapped or paralyzed also mirrors
what occurs to the large muscles of the body during normal REM sleep, when they're paralyzed to prevent the body from acting
out the dreams.
Such dreams could reflect frustrations in waking life, such as feeling trapped in a relationship or
a dead-end job.
Flip side: Discovering new spaces
You may open a door in your home to find a new room or find something new in the neighborhood. These
dreams occur usually when you feel an aspect of your life if opening up.
12) Being menaced by the dead or a spirit
You feel you are being haunted or berated by someone who has died. There may be feelings of terror,
guilt, resentment or abandonment. They may occur when you feel guilty or responsible for a death, or anxious about the situation.
Although they are quite rare, Garfield says these can be among the most uncomfortable dreams we have.
Flip side: Being guided by the dead or a spirit
These usually occur during active grief, which can last years. Visits from a deceased loved one may
give you the feeling that he or she is OK, or inspire you to change your life. There's a feeling of hopefulness and comfort.